Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Prophet, Chapter 1

And so, the War of the Five Kings becomes the War of Five Kings, Three Queens, and A Crapload of Pagan Sailors!*

The Prophet turned out to be the late King Balon's (I did have his name right in the last post) brother, Aeron Greyjoy, called the Damphair. He's the one who almost drowned during Robert's Rebellion (or was it Balon's Rebellion, or are they the same thing?) and then became a priest. The Ironborn worship the Sea God, who's locked in an everlasting battle with the Storm Lord, his greatest enemy (note to all Greyjoys: don't fuck with Dany "Stormborn" Targareyan).

This chapter was pretty boring. I never really liked Theon, Balon, or Asha, and I don't like ol' Damphair here, either. Then again, I didn't like the Onion Lord at first either, so by the end of the book, the fish priest might be my new favorite character. Hey, someone's got to fill in for Tyrion!

I'm calling right now that this Kingsmoot (which I assume is some kind of election in which candidates drown their opponents instead of claiming they're African Muslim Terrorists From Mars Who Want Children To Think Being An Indian ("HEY, AREN'T THEM INDIANS ALL MUSLIMS!") And Killing American Generals Is Fun) is going to end with the dude who struggled while he was being drowned being crowned King of the Isles and the North (by the way, he seems to be the most sane character in this chapter; most characters in the series tend to do some stupid shit *coughSansacough* so it's nice to see a character who actually tries to, um, not be executed *coughNedcough*). I'm calling Asha for victor over the entire throne though,

Hopefully the next chapter, which is from the POV of someone called Captain of the Guards, will be better. Maybe he'll also be a minor character from two books ago!

I use way too many parentheses.

*5 Kings: Tommen, Stannis, Euron, Victarion, and Bran/Jon (hey, one of them are Robb's heir)

3 Queens: Cersei (Queen Dowager/Regent), Dany, and Asha. Might as well thrown in Zombie Cat and call it four.

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